About UsVissidarte

APS Vis(S)i D'Arte

Social Promotion Association

Apolitical and Non-partisan

Associates Dona

AmaLaTuaZona Official Partner

Who we are in Vis(S)i D'Arte

Vis(S)i D'Arte is integrated into the territorial promotion project called "AmaLaTuaZona" which aims to improve and enhance the cultural and economic level of the territory.


The strength of cohesion and the value of belonging, to be successful. Today more than ever, after the pandemic experience of COVID-19, it has been understood that only: UNITED WE WIN. Enhancing and promoting the commercial fabric to favor the economy of one's territory also requires an alliance that is expressed in the desire to overcome the effects of a strong crisis, economic and social, by implementing a new vision. That is, by focusing on territorial commercial development, on local tourism, on the enhancement of the territory. The economic collapse of the territories is a common malaise, not only for economic operators, but also for families and it becomes a duty for a community to return to shopping in the shops and stores of its territory. If this were to happen, it is the only hope of rebirth for the entire community and an improvement in the quality of life of families. Without economic operators, without tourism, without events, festivals, cultural and religious events and more, mostly supported by merchants, a community cannot survive. LET'S START AGAIN FROM OUR TERRITORY.

The APS Vis(S)i D'Arte works for the pursuit, without profit, of civic, solidarity and social utility purposes, carrying out mainly for the benefit of its members, their families or third parties the following activities of general interest referred to in art. 5 of the Third Sector Code: Social, Cultural Promotion and economic development of the territory.

And in particular it pursues the following goals: Promote culture and in particular every form of art, with particular attention to disadvantaged people who need support and solidarity. Develop strategies to promote the territory using every traditional and IT tool to achieve every goal of the association.

The association achieves its goals through the following activities:

°Planning and implementation of events, participation in events and exhibitions, development of editorial tools both on paper and on the web, marketing strategies,

°The Vis(S)i D'arte Social Promotion Association is non-partisan and independent and intends to: promote a culture of solidarity as a lasting foundation for just and peaceful social and economic relations;

° promote the infinite and unique value of each person and foster the development of their talents within communities;

° promote respect for human dignity and the environment by referring to the ethical and political-cultural principles of the Italian Constitution, with particular attention to articles 2,3,4 paragraph 2, 18 paragraph 1, and the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights";

° promote the development of tools aimed at a fair redistribution of wealth through “win-win” social and economic relations

° promote methods of exchanging time to be used for mutual aid services for individual citizens or the local community, pursuant to Law no. 53, 8 March 2000;

° promote the local and circular economy.

° promote the development of projects that help change lifestyle and support the growth of the territory with respect for the environment, non-violence and collaboration.

° Spread knowledge of the reality of the solidarity economy: o Offering promotion and communication services; o Organizing presentation meetings throughout the territory; o Through publications, materials and editorial proposals;

o Through information desks in specific reference locations; · Organize training and in-depth activities on the issues of the solidarity economy; · Raise awareness among citizens to stimulate the formation of solidarity purchasing groups through training courses on conscious consumption and domestic ecology; · Raise awareness and involve local institutions, organizations and schools in the area on the issues of local and solidarity development; · Coordinate with other activities already carried out in the area, acting where possible as a catalyst and collector of proposals already present; · Join national and international organizations that have similar objectives; · Collaborate with organizations with the same purpose, at a national and international level;

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