Meluzzo Funeral Services are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays: for any emergency, therefore, you can contact the staff without problems. Timely interventions and quality services to be close to you professionally and emotionally.
Meluzzo takes care of everything: dressing the body, funeral chapel, funeral rite organization, floral decorations, bureaucratic and cemetery procedures, transportation. Also: obituaries, cemetery works and furnishings, souvenirs and much more. Everything can be made to measure, to meet as much as possible the most varied needs of the customers.
Burials, entombments, cremations: Meluzzo funeral services take care of every type of burial
Meluzzo is also an exclusive flower shop where you can find decorations and compositions for any event.
Via Borgo Santoro, 17/19 – 70029 Santeramo in Colle (BA)
Tel. 080.3023716 – Night 080.3036110 – Cell. 335.8388314