the Electoral Program of PerILSereno for the elections in Santeramo in Colle.PerILSereno,
after announcing the Candidate for Mayor Prof. Michele D'Ambrosio, communicates the electoral program for the municipal elections of Santeramo in Colle 2022.
Numerous members and supporters participated in the drafting, making available their skills and personal experiences, and the involvement of citizens and professionals who exposed their problems and observations.
In the cards: the basic principles of the associative ideology, the outline of the electoral program divided into areas of intervention and the related insights.
Urban Planning, Regeneration of the City Centre
Implementation of the PUG (General Urban Plan), approved by the City Council, sent to the Puglia Region for compatibility examination with the DRAG and examined in the conference of services Region/Municipalities/other competent Bodies.....
Culture and Tourism
The Administration undertakes to carry out the following activities:
Particular attention will be paid to the One-Stop Shop for Productive Activities (SUAP) so that it increasingly represents a tool for simplifying relationships between entrepreneurs, technicians and consultants who deal with the Municipality and other public bodies for the presentation of procedures necessary for starting or modifying entrepreneurial activities.
Youth Policies
The Administration intends to promote initiatives that can guide young people during their growth path and help them find their role in society.
love for our environment
The action to combat electromagnetic pollution will continue also through the completion of the plan to relocate radio, television and telephone transmission antennas, and at the same time all the necessary initiatives will be implemented to combat the construction of the Biomass Power Plant in the Santeramo countryside...... continues
The commitment of the Municipal Administration will be to contribute to reducing social inequalities, with particular attention to those categories (elderly, etc.) particularly exposed due to their disadvantaged condition in society.
The European Union has put in place powerful and essential recovery tools to help states overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic.